Carson Valley, Nevada Cowboy Photography
This whole cowboy project “officially” started 3+ years ago through a series of random events that landed me at a bull sale in Gardnerville, Nevada. There I met Spencer Anderson of the Anderson Cattle Co. We wound up chatting, and after explaining to him what I was trying to do, he invited me to his cattle branding that would take place a few months down the road. At the time, I was as green as can be, so the whole thing was an eye opening experience to say the least. A look into the Western world that I’d been searching for. Spencer and his wife Jessica were the first people to let me IN - a debt I can never repay. They are first generation cattle ranchers with leases in Carson Valley, Nevada and Chico, California. I was immediately struck by not only their kindness, but their passion for the business and lifestyle. It was contagious. Over the years we’ve developed a friendship that I’m extremely grateful for, which came full circle when they asked me to produce some work for them, and later trusted me to tell their story in Working Ranch Magazine. They are as real as it gets, being very open about their struggles getting to where they are today - an incredibly refreshing contrast to the bullshit personas the rest of the world portrays on Instagram. Stories like theirs need to be told because it can inspire other people to follow their dreams in the same way.
If you’d like to get some of their beef shipped directly to your home, visit their website 2A Beef
Anderson Cattle Co - Carson Valley, Nevada
Ranch direct beef in Carson Valley, Nevada