Photographs of Cohoes, New York
Cohoes, New York is a small city just on the other side of the Hudson River from where I grew up in Averill Park. Despite the proximity, it’s a place I don’t ever recall visiting for any reason. So it was nice to spend some time there exploring with a camera. Like a lot of small towns in Upstate New York, Cohoes has an industrial past. It’s nickname is the “Spindle City” because of the involvement in textile manufacturing in the 19th Century went vast amounts of cotton was shipped to Cohoes from the deep south. There are so many places in New York that had a heyday due to one industry or another, but have remained stagnant at best, ever since. You get that feeling from Cohoes. The architecture is beautiful - homes, commercial buildings, churches, and of course the famous Cohoes Armory were all built with pride, and come together collectively to give the city a lot of character.
Old homes in Cohoes, New York
Danielle’s House of Hair - Cohoes, New York
Cohoes, New York Photography
Train track running by St. John’s Church in Cohoes, New York
Photograph of the business’ on Remsen St. in Cohoes, New York
Flower shop - Cohoes, New York
Antique shop in Cohoes, NY
Cohoes Armory
Old church in Cohoes, NY
Cohoes, NY architecture
Cohoes, New York Photography