Moving the Herd (Print)

Moving the Herd (Print)
It’s almost cliche to say that the work starts before sun up, but it’s always true for the cowboy. On this day in Wyoming we headed out on horseback to gather 500+/- head of cattle through remote country with no signs of civilization. Each pasture more remarkable than the last. For them a full summer day in the saddle is no big deal, but by hour 8, I was hurting. Regardless, I pushed on, just focusing on making photographs of people and a part of the country I might never see again. It’s no secret that cowboys are a resilient bunch, but it’s even more evident on days like this when you don’t see them eat a bite of food or take more than a few sips of water. 12 hours after our departure and some 15+ miles, we had the herd at the corrals ready for the next days work. Not one of the crew seemed the least bit tired.
13”x19” - (45)
24”x36” - (35)
36”x48” - (25)
40”x60” (10)